Sunday, August 27, 2006

Book Tag Time

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag three people.

Here is mine….
The Book: The Macintosh Way
The Author: Guy Kawasaki
Fifth Sentence on Page 123: (This is Jean-Louis’ insight, although he uses sexual prowess when he explains it.) -- Yes with the open and close parentheses
Text of the next three sentences (after the fifth sentence) : {I assumed that’s where I’m supposed to take the next three sentences, harharhar}
This chapter is about getting the right information to the right people by using an intermediary called the press.

Not the First Step {this is not a sentence but the heading}
The first step isn’t finding a PR agency, because hiring an agency leads to abdication of clear thinking. Most companies treat PR like disk duplication: “Let’s not bother with it right now. Let’s farm it out to the third-party vendor.”

Copyright 1990 Guy Kawasaki printed in USA

I borrowed this book from my GM who used to work with Apple in US. He was looking for this and I didn’t want to return it yet, so I hid it somewhere in my office drawer. It is in fact the only book near me, all else are just documents.

So, I am tagging Aynn, Yvonne and YOU! Move it! :-)

Hubbly Bubbly, pray tell, what’s gonna kill me?

Well, today I felt a tingling feeling on my lower left leg just a few inches above the knee. I remember my brother telling me that I should not sit and rest my laptop on my legs when I work as the radiation might affect my baby-bearing organs or something in that line. Then I mentioned it to someone and he said “Didn’t I mention that to you first a long time ago before your brother did?” I was like, “Yeah, yeah like you always tell me that you’re the one who told me first.” I would say you were probably the first one to tell me the expression that I think BV/VB (my laptop’s name, derived from its innocuous color- Blue Velvet or velvet blue) is the best thing since sliced cake. Or so something like that when someone regards something to be so good that he thinks it’s a new thing when its already past its fad dates. Man, I do confuse myself sometimes.

Here’s a link on this but it focuses on men only.

Anyways, the tingling feeling area is actually where BV breathes that hot air from his battery and I feel that all the time when I work on him. I have had BV for two years now and I rarely use the tray that I bought from Ikea which acts as pseudo-desk for me to work on or pseudo-dining tray when I eat. Whew, that was a long sentence.

So I was thinking, maybe I will die of some form of radiation related disease due to this. But then, my family has a history of cardiac arrest, asthma, leukemia, apnea and some other forms of cancer.

With my recent love affair with the hookah (shisha, hubbly-bubbly or water pipe by some other names), I would probably end up with lung cancer as I have been oozing smoke with this thing almost minimum of three times a month on an average of two hours per usage. They say it is ten times worse than cigarettes. Who am I to refute? I am merely an addict.

Halaaaa shisha napud ta…. Dali!

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