They exist in our faith. They are real when we make believe.
Weak, weaker because I am in love with you. If I love someone and he loves me back. I am stronger. Two forces of love merged makes a person strong.
Love is not dependency, it is only intimacy, a process to become angelic, whole.
If it makes me weak because I love you then I must admit I am or I must be, but only because you say so. In my own right and in a different sense, I am strong.
It doesn't matter anymore how you see me because it doesn't matter to you how much I feel
Lucky, unlucky, it doesn't mean anything.
I envy her, she still has a huge part of yourself and no one can take that away from her. She is indeed lucky.
I wonder what it takes to make you love me? Nothing I guess. I don't have to wait till you love me. I will love you till they take my heart away (that's a song by Claire Marlo).
I deserve love, but I look for them in the most unusual places and I offer them to the most unavailable persons. Perhaps I am strong for loving again and again. I have had too many soulmates. All of them made me believe they love me. I was folling myself. I was the one loving them. You are right. I am too loving. But you are wrong. I am not weak.
Weakness is derivative. It is a behaviour which is subjective.
I don't know if you are weal or not. It's not been tested.
You're just mostly alone. That doesn't prove that you are strong or that you are not weak. It doesn't make anything.
(This is something I wrote sometime in July 2003. I found it while cleaning my files in the office.)