Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I dream sometimes that I twirl around and around in an overly powerful and joyful emotion called love. Like a child, I raise up my hands to the sky, basking such elation while I twirl.

Dreams sometimes leave us happy when we wake up. Sometimes they make us very sad.

I feel like I am on a healing process of a broken heart, but its something more painful than that. I sometimes find myself just weeping for my soul. I really don't know why. Maybe I am just lost again and it seems that finding me is so difficult.

I try so hard to make myself feel better, I buy flowers for myself. Then the flowers die. Then I get more sad. Sometimes I feel so pathetic, I am so pathetic.

Sick this time of the year

Well, Ramadan is coming and we have holidays coming up.... And I am sick this time of the year. Darn. I hate being sick. My nose just drips and drips and my wastebasket is full of tissue. My eyes get blurry with tears. Its either I am depressed or just plain sick.

I need a get-away. Let's see where my feet or my mind will take me....

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