I won!! I won!!

Oh.... This is so inspiring. I have just opened my yahoo email after a long week of heavy workload and neck-throat deadlines in the office and I found out that I won in the Cool UAE Blog or CUB. My orb-uae or writers group has sent me the link. So I am posting it here along with its logo. I will still try to get the logo to appear in my blogsite page all the time though. Here is the link mandating my award :-) I am happy. I am cool.
It feels good to be awarded. It is like a reminiscent of my college years when I won my essay in the Business World magazine. It gives me a sense of triumph and achievement. A thing which you get so rare. Really. When have you ever felt so happy for something that you have been awarded with? In our career lives,w e get bonuses or salary increases when? Once a year? Once in two years? And that is only after late nights in the office, heart-wrenching performance, sometimes even mercenary pleadings if not pleasings of your bosses? As if you are not good enough with your work when in fact you are more than qualified to the job, while the rest around you gets salaries double yours just because they are of this nationality or related to the company owners and are actually incompetent to do their jobs? Oh silly me... I should be basking in my award... I should be grateful now that my writing has paid off...... This is really a good award, nothing money can buy. It didn't require of me to kiss ass, oops... It only is a result of what I love doing best-writing.
I am thankful for being a part of the Orb-UAE!!