This is dedicated to all the lines I have heard before. Other better ones are just for me so I did not write them here..... Meaning, I must have really liked the guy who said it. This should have been called
Vanity Fair. Hainaku
You should stop crying or else you will have tear canals on your cheeks…
Ashley Judd sounds like you
You are the one (one to what?)
You are like Meg Ryan (which movie?)
You are more mysterious than the moon and more elusive than the setting sun
You are sexier than Angelina Jolie
I can't breathe without you (he must be dead now)
You look like this actres... Angelina Jolie (yeah right!)
If you were a politician your tag line would be 'I doubt it' (on me saying "I doubt it" all the time.. hehe.)
There is something about you that really attracted me (must be Escada)
In my culture, if a guy calls a girl and the girl calls the guy, we would be boyfriend/girlfriend.
I love you more than I love myself (worst lie in the world!)
I would have given you the Taj Mahal but it was given to somebody else, I will give you the moon and the stars instead (huh?)