Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Excerpts from my phone... 8

Love is scarce in this part of the world but physical intimacy (I changed that from the infamous three-letter-word) is abundant. No matter how much love you give away, you will receive less and less each time.

In parties ladies dress in the finest garments and lavish themselves in expensive jewels, perfumes and food, but their eyes have a sadness in them which I cannot grasp the meaning of. A faint trace of yearning, a helpless longing of something oddly familiar.. Or am I just finding fault in a wealthy tradition of the ancient Arab world?


Excerpts from my phone... 7

Gone were the days when I truly fall inlove like I do not know what it is all about. The older we become, the more complacent we are, the less amazed, the less thrilled about the things that occur around us. What tragedy is this which has befallen me? How long will this trance pass or linger in me? Do I embrace it or greet it like a stranger? Does it love me enough not to leave me at all?

Questions, as always, unanswered. Mimed, numb, uncaring, apathetic. What is this?


Excerpts from my phone... 6

Of blistering city lights when the day crawls to steal the lover of the night, seducing the dawn with purple hues of rippling blues as laughter resounds the drowsy longings of tender eyes. They sparkle, teasing, loudly, as I miss you upon me, crippling my longing for solitude and despise for familiarity.

Where do yearnings begin? Do they spring from scenes or sounds? Let me understand and let me embrace its mystery, softly as I remember your mouth on my parted lips.


Excerpts from my phone... 5

The moon creeping, sleepwalking, wandering...


Excerpts from my phone... 4

If waters walk upon brooks and teachers weren't crooks, where would life lead us? As eyes wander and hearts falter to breathe mistakes never meant to be made.

But they all lead somewhere, places others have gone and lovers have left behind.

How will the stars lead those who are blind to what lies behinde very encounter? Will constellations cease to form I halt from feeling emotions I have no control over?

Would you be lost enough to find me in the silence of these deserts and the whirlwind that moves the sand dunes into shapes and forms only nature can perfectly destroy and deform into yet another perfection?


Excerpts from my phone... 3

I feel so suffocated. I miss being alone and I miss a good conversation. I miss the woods, the rain, mud on my feet, the sand, corals, blue skies, you, you, you.


Excerpts from my phone... 2

A half moon, a half star, a half heart. Do you know that there is half of everything sometimes? But they are only phases becuase we are really whole most often.


Excerpts from my mobile phone....

Sometimes when I am travelling and cannot get to write on anything, I save my thoughts on my phone....

Here is one..

My joke would have been funny.. If only the driver knows how to speak or understand English....

09- November-2003

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