And the days gone by

Its been a lot of days since I last wrote.. But I had some drafts.... I wasn't just inspired enough to write them in a better paragraph. Anyways, I have done so many things and gone through so many emotions since I last wrote here.
Tuesday, 30 August 2005
I have gone ice skating.. It was a beautiful thing to do too. And I would like to do it again when I get the chance. I was even thinking of buying me ice skating shoes. Let's see....
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I went to a party of a friend. I was actually just forced to go there because this friend of mine.... Maria, she said she was hosting two girls for the night and she wanted some friends to go there too. I told her I was tired, because I was, but I just had the time to meet them at the mall and get some lovely stockings from BHS (I will add that in my shopping notes, don't worry). When everyone has gone their separate ways, Maria asked me to be with her to wait for a taxi. She made a scheme... This is such an old time trick that I have completely forgotten. She took my bag and told me that it was nice, she asked me where I got it, and I just responded passively, but to my surprise, lo! There goes the running girl with my bag inside a taxi, so we were both wrestling with my bag and she ended up pulling me into the cab, the taxi driver was laughing at her mischievousness and my apparent gaudiness. And so there I was in her flat, waiting for the two other girls. I found myself heating up a soggy pork chicharon, and making caramel popcorn, I had life a blank thought for a brief period of time for my clear lapse in judgement on how I thought my day would go through. I loved the vinegar she had though (maybe it was what kept me from running to the door to go home to my sanctuary, my messed up sanctuary). And so that night became a karaoke night. We were singing so many songs that night. It was a holiday the day after in celebration of the Israa Al Miraj. The government sectors got Wednesday and Thursday as holidays while the private sectors got only Thursdays off. I finally went to my abode at half past 6 in the morning, tipsy, sleepy, tired.
My going with Maria was actually a blessing in disguise because I met a mountaineer from Davao. She is probably the second mountaineer which I know here in UAE. One girl is in Dubai and she is from Cebu. Jahanne or Djahanne is from Sandawa Apo and her first climb is Mt. Apo. Wow. Mt. Apo was my fifth climb I think or my third. I forgot. Its been a long time ago. Mt. Apo is Philippines' highest mountain. It is filled with lush green grass and verdant trees, a heaven for every environmentalist, haven of wild indigenous plants and wild animals.
Saturday, 3 September 2005
I have bought new earrings... A butterfly set. I was actually looking for this round clasp type of earrings which has one side white gold and another side yellow gold which was available from Damas. But they said they will have it only in a week's time.
I wrote this yesterday and I had so much to write by fear crept on in me when I realized I was the only person left in the office and the only area which was lighted was the office where I was in. So I rushed home and was thinking of going to Starbucks to try Etisalat's Izone. I think it is a bit costly at Aed.10.00 per hour working in a cafe. But I think I would really try that tonight. Like always, we'll see...