Saturday, May 19, 2007

Carrefour Lunch and Fake LV, and oh, my birthday

Yeah, I admit. I just recently purchased a fake LV. It doesn't have many logos of LV (like those tacky ones) on it but its fake LV otherwise. It looked like burberry design though.

I just turned 28 (wink wink) again yesterday and the night before, I was invited for dinner by a very close friend of mine. I had margarita and some salad. I am on a diet. And it was like late in the evening. I had brief moments of melancholy, not because I turned older but because there were several things in my life that I wish to achieve and still they are nowhere in sight. And there are so many books that were not closed in my life, so maybe that's why I was back in memory lane. Pathetic, sad, something like that. I guess its part of growing up.

What with my exes suddenly calling out of nowhere.? Weird people.

I got my Angel Perfume, and some nice looking bottle as well. Its called Live Intense or something. I actually have a mission now to buy perfumes only if they come in nice, unique bottles. It really feels good to have different shapes in my perfume area.

I was invited/treated to a yacht trip on my birthday, but the monthly cycle got me down so I was sleeping the whole time at the boat. After 3 savannahs. It was a party full of young kids from who know's where. There was one girl who was wearing her two piece and she was dancing for everyone to see. I don't know if she was drunk or not, would she be remorseful the day after the party? Who knows. Some of my companions were mocking her, but she has friends sitting next to us who were giving us the dagger-looks. Like we were some kind of freaks in the boat. Yeah, I bet we were. We were the only ones there not dancing, just sitting and almost moping. But it was a good experience nevertheless.

I had a recent project as well I did for some student. She returned it to me and told me that I have to edit it. I asked her why, she said, my English was too difficult. She said her English is good, but not that good... So she thinks or she said, her teacher will flunk her because she would know that its not she who did the assignment. Well, at least they just marked the English words that I needed to change, which made it easier for me. I am looking forward to getting clients on teaching English conversationally as well. I have two prospective clients. I wish I will have the time though.

Oh I am also venturing on new areas. One is a can-do-all business (anything you need, or looking for, I will help you) and I went back into using my hands for arts and crafts. Its a bit difficult to find the materials I need here though but at least I got some few items to start with.

My friends greeted me on my birthday and I didn't really plan on having a party, so I didnt. Others were wondering why. I just didnt have the time and besides, I have a flatmate now so I cannot really invite people in.

Oh, and I have been keen on maximizing my Pax Hakadal closet from, I have purchased the touser hanger, the rack with 10 hooks. And they were both soo cool in my drawer. I can hang all my shawls and scarves now. But I still needed to buy one more of those rack with ten hooks and another thing or things. But today, at lunch, I thought I could take the time to go to Carrefour/Ikea in Marina Mall but heck, I was wrong. Everybody was going there too. Its really difficult. I was turning around looking for parking, then got stuck in so much traffic, then my gas monitor went yellow. So I decided to skip Ikea and just go back to office. I went to ADNOC to get Silvering AED20.00 worth of gas. Time seems to be really speeding up.

Do you remember those times when we used to just lie on hammocks and let the day go by? Wow. We had plenty of time then. Now, everything is just a blur, time is always short, there are always things that we have to forego because we couldnt just make it in this day or in this lifetime even. Do you think that time is really speeding up? I was doing research on the net but I wasnt able to internalize what I have read because I was just skimming through the net and now, I can't seem to remember any of those I have read. Time must really be speeding up, or my memory is failing me. Talk about old age... :)

I think I am still sick because my sense of smell has gone, my ears are blocked and I feel this itchy tingling feeling in my throat. Ah, bad weather is coming. Its becoming too hot, too humid in Abu Dhabi, or in the Gulf for that matter.

I wish you all good times.

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