Sunday, July 10, 2005

French Women Don't Get Fat? Blech!

They say French women don't get fat. Ew. That's not true at all!! Check this website and find out.

However, it is of great discussion that women like to think that it is okay to be fat but I think that is all way past hypocrisy.

It is good to be not fat. Like most of the things in this world, we all have to work hard for something. We work hard to be good daughters, good friends, good lovers, good sisters, good citizen, good person.

To be slim or fit is always a better thing. Yes, it is sometimes difficult to avoid delicious foods, chocolates, anything that is edible. But being slim has more advantages and it is proven that slimmer people are happier than fat people. See links below:

(I will add more links later)

Okay, I am not a guru on the fatty subject but really, come to think of it. Give me some list of why is it better to be slim. Here are mine:

1. Don't you like it when your bf/lover can carry you from the lounge to the bedroom when you pretend to have fallen asleep while watching TV?

2. It is good to fit in the chair next to someone.

3. It is good to wear trendy clothes when you fit in them.

4. It is better to be able to fit through the door.

5. It is easier to smell nicer when you are slimmer.

Okay, I have to fetch my chubby sister now so I will do this later. My sister and I are on a diet scheme so, do not think I am a bad person. I am a little fat too and believe me, I hate it when I do not fit into my old clothes anymore.

6. I dont want to spend money on bigger clothes. Not just because I cant really afford to change my entire wardrobe, but it is sucha waste to see all your nice clothes being left to wait so you can wear them. So, No way jose!

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