Sunday, October 30, 2005

The City Sucks...

Today sadness struck me....

The city takes so much off a person. It makes me forget most of the simple things that used to make me happy. I become this person who is shallow and so difficult to please. What is it? I buy shoes, clothes, bags in all colors and still want to buy more when deep inside I know I need something better than this.

It has been almost two months since I have written, or was it two years? Life has been so fast that I have felt like I am in a trance. A trance of techno-speed hollow and shallow pace.

Tugging and pulling of emotions meet practical semi-solutions of a life we choose to be in.

Today must be one of those days when I try so hard to reflect on what I am and what I am supposed to be. But that is takes time and at the moment, I feel like I do not have that luxury. Maybe I will feel better in a little while.

I must remember, tomorrow will be a better day, but today is here so I should make the best out of it.

God bless us all and may there be little joys in what we do so they all become worthwhile.

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