Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You're a Fake

Our office is pretty hectic these days sometimes when someone calls and ask me what I'm doing, I would say breathing, as in that particular time, it was probably the only time I felt that I actually had the time to breathe.

Anyways, there are people in the office that are just fake. They try to kiss ass but in such a blatant obvious way, you feel embarassed on their behalf. And there are people who just pretend to be dumb to get away from work. You would rather do something yourself than piss yourself with asking a person who pretends to be dumb to do something. Better the dumb you can teach them something but the fake, ew. Better stay away from them.

Some people also are good when they are in low level positions, once they rise up (sort of) they just become a**h***s.

But today I found out, my bumper was never changed and I have to pulverize Salah. That freakin guy got the nerve to rip me off. Man, he should be embarassed of himself. Silverine was making funny noises last night and I could not understand why. He had a bath hehehehe. And today I checked, man, the thing that covers the body of the car from the tire was actually ripped open and he was stupid enough to leave it like that. How can anyone be so stupid? And me, the woman, as they say, was gullible enough to believe him. Yech. Tomorrow when I get my voice I will have to be very mean.

Yes, I have no voice today, or I am beginning to sound like a man or something. After my flu, I had this swollen tonsil and then my voice is just coarse and it is such a struggle to talk for longer periods.

I went to ceramique yesterday to get my art works. I think I should go back there soon. Yeah, yeah.

I am dizzy also with all the tablets I have taken and I just need to sleep. I hope my voice will come back tomorrow. I have a concert soon.


What is it?

What is it that when you are alone with someone and there is an intimacy that you share together there is that cozy feeling and you feel that when you are with him, you just lie there, snug, comfortable, easy (okay that is redundancy but I am running out of words here!) and the world just disappears. Like there is only the two of you together. But there are times also when you are together and you just wish that the world will go away and leave you two alone.

What is it? Is there such a huge difference between these two feelings? I would love to know.

Ooy. Taka lang!

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