Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A World of Fools

Sometimes the nearer world around you is too annoying you have to find comfort in strangers. Had I known of blogging a long time ago, I would have made several write-ups here already. There is no better way of venting frustration than writing, we can't really give a damn on who's reading. Can we?? Perhaps sometimes.

Sometimes there are people who really irritate the s... out of you and you can't get away from it. Office colleagues, so-called friends. Oh name them. I just have them sometimes.

I have been thinking a lot of times about my book. I wish I can publish it soon really. Such a waste. I just want to see my writings in a thick bound compilation and know or maybe not care if people read them or not. It would be a very good accomplishment. Its been a long time since I felt any exhiliration for something that I have achieved. I miss new experiences. More and more I crave for something different. Maybe I should go to Thailand with this friend who will leave for a "training". I still dont know what she will be trained for.

My thoughts keep on drifting back to the times when I was searching for editors for my so-called-book and I ended up having stalkers instead. The pseudo-editors came up with the notion that I actually wrote the book for them. And the weirdest thing is they came up with questions "Why did you make me read them?" Idiots.

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