An Exhilirating Dream
I had the most exhilirating dream in a long time....It was something like me and my high school classmates were participating in an audition for an action movie and one of the things we need to do was jump from a highly elevated wooden structure into the sea... When we were brought there my classmates were all scared and I was like wow! And I told them I will go and do it. And I just jumped and felt such great exhiliration from the jump. It was almost the same feeling as that 'graduation rock' we used to jump off after a long rafting trip. But this one has got the cleanest water, clear bluegreen, deep, fresh and cold. It was a wonderful feeling.
When I got down, to where the people were waiting, they looked at me like they still think it was just a fluke I jumped and they asked me if I could swim, and I swam. Then I went back to where they are, and they asked me if I could float, I floated and proceeded to swim and hit my knee on a wooden barrier. Sounds like dead wood on the block.I woke up 5am. I should have ran to the Corniche. But I proceeded to sleep. Then woke up sneezing at 6am then slept again and woke up at 7:30.
It was a good dream but it seemed to have hidden meanings in it. Its like what I am going through right now at work. No need to elaborate but some things are just difficult. Still it was a good dream.
Wish things will be better. Wish I will surround myself with people who are intelligent, resourceful, active, proactive, energetic, kind and yes, pleasant.