Saturday, March 04, 2006

Farm Balls

With the mention of our people in the farm, I remember lots of things there. One of the things I remember that was so funny was that during April and May, the taga-Ilaya would always ask us for volley and basket balls, uniforms, or volleyball net or basketball nets. As landlords we have to provide recreational items for our people to give them boost while working with us, to help them not get into mischief (steal coconuts, or get into drugs or whatever else), and in celebration of the annual fiesta of the St… (I forgot the Farmer Saint, I will write it later. He has a dog and carries a walking stick). So we gave our farm-workers (because tenant is a word which I cannot use, if you are wondering why I am not using the word) what they needed for the upcoming fiesta activities or the paliga. After a week of giving them the sports equipments, they came back to us to ask for volleyballs. They said the balls were damaged already. We were wondering why. So in our curiosity we bought new ones and we went to the farm to watch them play. Holy moly meenie miny moo. How they hit the balls!! We were so shocked at the fierceness and the speed of their hits on the volleyball. We said to ourselves (my siblings with my cousins and I), “No wonder the balls get damaged so easily”. So at the end of their first round we asked them how they learned to hit a ball like that and where. They said they always practice during their free time at the field. And guess what they use as balls. Yup, you got it right, coconuts! No wonder heh??

Flush Down Woman!

There is a woman in our office who regularly does not flush after using the toilet. I swear, no one should ever a woman like this. If not, she should be married to a guy who also does not flush the toilet every time he uses it. This way they complement each other and they both will live happily ever after – in stench! How many times we have posted all sorts of “please flush” signs in the ladies commode and still she does not get it. What do we have to do? Is it so difficult to push a button? It is not like the old times or in places where you have to pour water into the bowl or something like people use bunot to clean their a%^*@!. (This is funny. I know this because the people in our farm use this as we heard. Yuck! Hehehe) I am disgusting I know but I am ranting over this behaviour because it is utterly despicable and gross and really awful. Well, yes we told her already several times. I think she is on drugs she does not get it.

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