Saturday, August 26, 2006

I like this better.. Haha

'What will your obituary say?' at

My Obituary

'What will your obituary say?' at

Are We Cowards?

Are we singles cowards?

I was out with friends tonight, one girl who lives with her mom and one girl who moved out of her boyfriend's place to be independent.

The wannabe independent girl actually is moving out coz she wants to get married but her bf of 1 year or so is still not ready to settle down. He is Lebanese, she is Filipina. She said she is so dependent on him for so many things. She cannot move without him, cannot go anywhere out without him. She earns as much as him, mind you. But she said she just finds it difficult to carry on knowing that the guy is not yet ready to settle down. I asked her, so what, let the time make him realize when he is ready to settle down. They both love each other so why rush? She said she just feels so low when his family comes to town and she has to move to another place so he can accommodate his family. And she also wants to find the man who would be ready to marry her soon. Hmnn. Okay.

The girl who lives with her mom has been told by her mom to not think of getting married, its way too difficult. Its better to enjoy single life. So she does at the expense of her heart. Her mom is separated from her dad for a long time now.

As for me, I fear marriage. It is way too constricting, the way I see it. I cannot even stand fighting over petty issues with a bf, I would either storm out of a conversation or keep a wall between me and him or just simply wish to end the relationship. And the worse I could do, or often do is keep the wall and pretend he doesn't exist even when he is just a few feet away from me. This has been the most annoying thing that men has encountered. My ex has said every time I give him the silent treatment he feels like slashing his throat.

We have an office boy who went to India to get married. He has come and has been a changed person. He used to smile a lot and was always eager to help in the office. Since he got back, he had a more serious aura in him and I was able to find time to chat with him and ask him about his marriage. He said his outlook in life has totally changed. It feels like his days have meanings, his spending habits has altered. The way he lived his life is totally based on not just for himself but for him and his wife and he feels like everything he has to do has to serve a better purpose.

I fear marriage for all its mystery. Yes, I still think that having a child is better and being married to a guy to raise the child together would be a lot better.

What am I actually talking here?

I just think singles have more freedom and married people have so much to sacrifice.

Whereas a single girl can confuse herself whether to buy another pair of shoes, the mother wonders how long the bag of diapers she bought yesterday would last for (and its not just diapers, its way much more than that).

Where a mother imagines how much she will spend for her child's day care schooling, the single girl wonders what nail polish would match her bag.

Not that I do that all the time, its just that, these things are easier to handle than worrying if my husband will love me for the next twenty years. Singles always have the freedom to get over someone without the hassle of changing surnames or meeting inlaws.

I fear the movement of relationships. That's why I stay still most of the time. When things get too much to handle, it was easier to break up.

I have learned so much from my previous relationships. One should not extend another day of suffering hoping things will change tomorrow. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. What if it stays the same and you suffer for the next fifteen years? Wouldn't you have missed out a lot on your life for being unhappy when you actually have the chance to be happy?

Misery loves company. There are people who get married for fear of being alone. Are they better than those of us who actually endure to wait for the best person meant for us? There are people who just get married hoping they will heal from the hurt of previous relationships, wishing the pain would go away. Instead, they become more hurt, more miserable for the longest time. That is probably the saddest thing one can do unto himself.

There are those who marry and realize they made a wrong decision and opt for divorce or separation instead, leaving wounded souls along the path.

And there are those who brave into the unknown and make things work out really well they breed beautiful beings into the earth and inspire the cowards to realize that the unknown is not all that bad.

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