Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Chatter Bag

Anecdotes are cool.

Andy Warhol's (From A to B and Back Again)
A: A diamond is forever.
B: Forever what?

----------- ********** --------------

On swearing
Me: The f^*% with that guy. He is such an a#@h*&^
S: Ouch. Please don't talk like that, it doesn't suit you. It doesn't sound nice
at all. Seriously.

Half an hour later on the phone:

S: M*&^%$ F*$%#&s! Lousy bastards. How can they come to office like this??
Me: Eew. Watch your language. How can you tell me not to say them and you say them? That's not fair.
S: Because it does not suit you.
Me: Huh? And what makes you think it suits you?
S: Well, does a mustache look good on you?



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