Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Driving Silverine

I have taken my driver's license and have been driving almost everyday. The first night I took the Mazda 3, I am buying it, I went for a spin and when it was time to park it I had trouble. I don't know how to park. I drove around and around the Russian Embassy and the areas near where I live. I decided to go to the office maybe there is bigger parking space there. But there was just enough space for the car, if only I know how to park. Good thing, Maria passed by with Huvard. I had to ask Huvard to park the car for me. I need valet parking.

Driving is such a big responsibility. It takes a lot of tremendous focus and concentration from me. I cannot even forgive myself for driving once when I was so drunk and I parked just a breath away from the Porsche Cayenne that was parked infront of my building. What the hell is that Porsche doing there in the first place? I would not have to drink and drive. It would be a terrible terrible thing to do.

Sarah's car is so cute, its the Peugeot 206, its in red and black. Its got sunroof and full options. Its such a snug car. Its so Sarah. I like that car. I am taking the Mazda 3 2005 Model, it's got full options, tectronic gear (whatever that it) and is really sensor automatic. It turns its lights on at night so I don't have to worry if I turned it on or not. I am calling it Silverine. Like Wolverine? You know, the Triple X guy?

Oh, Djahanne is getting the Peugeot 206cc. Cute 2 seater car. She has to pass her driving test this coming May 17. God bless Djahanne!

I like the car but I don't know how long I will like it. I will keep it though. And since I am not driving all the time, I am renting it out whilst I'm in the office. Its good yes??

I picked up Djahanne last night to go driving around the city. We had shisha at Marina Cafe. It was good. We went home at 2 am.

Today, Silverine is going to Sharjah. It went for service yesterday. I thought I had him scratched when I parked that night I brought Erica and her cousins home. It was after Ethan's birthday party.

I miss the days when I just sit comfortably on the passenger seat and not worry about the road as it is the driver's responsibilities. Now, I share it. And man, it is a lot.


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