Thursday, July 20, 2006

Oprah Oprah Oprah

A few nights back we were watching Oprah Moments at Maria's place, Djahanne and I. The flat was empty except for the three of us because (Maria) Yvette's boyfriend and his colleagues are out of the country for like a month now.

We have planned to meet at Book Gallery and we did. We were supposed to have coffee at Starbucks but the line was too long and I told Yvette to ditch it so we can go to her place as she promised to make us adobo. So we decided to meet there as Djah brought Neo and I have Silverine. We went to coop on the way because I needed to buy cat sand (yes, Lewis's poo corner is so stinky now!) but since Silverine was parked way far from the coop so I said I will buy the sand at another time from Carrefour.

So now, we sat and watched Oprah. Oprah is indeed an inspiration as well as an icon (I actually wanted to write inspirational icon) and she must have moved millions of lives all over the world with her generosity and her show.

Yvette is doing the gratitude thingy which I might have to do too soon. (Like, hello? Oprah has got a million things to thank for her in life. She earns billions just doing the show.)It's been bugging me for days thinking about Oprah. Well, I am such a cynic and skeptic and the irony of it all is I want to believe really. But maybe I will be better soon. Or at least feel better soon.

I am way out of myself these past few months. Yes I miss the time when I was alone in that one room where my neighbors were always fighting. I could easily gather my thoughts then. But yes, I have to be thankful for so many things in my life. I will open a gratitude blog here soon okay?

These days, everytime I wake up, it seems like a drag. Like its a sensation that is so awful I want to get rid of it. I know I have told myself to do something unusual each day so that I would be able to take each day differently. But things just seem to slip out of my head.

Well, yes I admit, Oprah is a very good source of motivation, there I said it.


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