I am not being blasphemous
Sometimes I wonder how God- the all powerful, all knowing, (omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent) One can allow sufferring tostrike mostly the good people.
Heaven, they say is the place where we all look forward to. The everlasting life where happiness is everywhere, where there is no pain, no hatred, no sufferring. Why then did He give us life on this earth only to suffer in silence, be afflicted with diseases, be underdogs, endure such attitudes of nasty pigs, be hurt over and over again and just live not knowing or understanding why wer have to go through all these. They say it is our choice. Why? How come? Did someone choose to die young? Did someone choose to suffer cancer? Did they choose to have AIDS? Did they choose to die in their sleep? Did they choose to go blind?
God is all-powerful. He can make miracles. He can turn water into wine, rocks into bread. Why can He choose to hurt the kind, wound the patient, kill those who want to live? And on the other side, make the bitches richer, meaner and more arrogant, the merciless more powerful, the unkind wealthier?
It was because of the notion of paradise or heaven that everyone was looking forward to that the young blow up their bodies so they can sacrifice for their religion and end up in this everlasting life of being with 40 virgins and endless joy. Why do we have to be broken down here because there is a better life waiting for us after we die? Isn't it a bit absurd when you think of it?
They say hell is a state of being, it is a feeling of agony, utter unfulfillment, hopelessness, disenchantment and the status of total disarray in one's life. It is not the infamous land of ever burning fire, gnashing of teeth, moaning and groaning of voices of being in total pain. Hell man, that is happenning here on earth!
Heaven on earth is what I wish for all the good-hearted. Heaven on earth is what I wish for all those who are kind. Heaven on earth is what I desire mostly.
For me, sometimes, heaven on Earth is when I drive on my own and I listen to a really really good song. It is one of such beautiful pleasures. Or going to the beach and finding it totally serene, empty and just simply beautiful.
Heaven on Earth would be:
The sun rising
Snorkelling and finding all the fish surrounding you
Waking up from a good dream
Being in the company of good true friends
Knowing that you are healthy
Receiving post cards
I wish heaven on Earth to all those who deserve it. We all need it every once in awhile.
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