I Love Thursdays...
I don't know what it is about Thursday that makes me feel so enthusiastic. I don't even have anything planned for the weekend because it is too hot here to go out and the malls are too damned boring.
But Thursdays gives me a feeling that I am able to stay up late and not worry about waking up early for work. Even Wednesdays makes me feel excited. Talk about boring life.
I am currently reading a few good compilations of books. I found an e-book fair. Courtesy of my Orb-UAE group, they sent me this link on the World E-Book Fair. I have downloaded a few and have to store them in a folder soon or else they will be lost in all the mess in BV.
So, at least I have something to read on the weekend in case I get really bored.
Tonight, I am going to Jane's birthday party and I have not bought her a gift yet. I was thinking of getting her mascara from Burjois since I was planning to get myself another one. Their mascaras are soooo good. Almost yummy. I got me the purple one and I would actually get another color. I have plenty of black already and blue. And brown. Hainaku. Here I go again. I was actually planning to write something meaningful here today and my thoughts just went astray. Talk about being really shallow and materialistic.
Anyways, while we are at it, let me just bask it in or in it. Whichever way you prefer. We are spring cleaning the flat and it is actually getting better. With some items being taken out (except of course for the box which needs to be filled with stuff for my Mama) we have more space to play around now. And I can actually take out my clothes from the luggage and hang them in the closet but I don't know if I will wear them soon or not. I still am on the black and white for the next few months. My sister suggested we keep one closet just for the shoes. Maybe. I wish she has the same shoe size as me, my shoes are exclusively for me because she wears size 8 and I wear 7.
Lewis has more space to play around also. I bought this laser thingy and he just loves jumping around trying to catch the red dot. Poor cat. But its good, he has room for his energy now. Man, this cat is horrible sometimes, he is trying to do something obscene with my stuffed toys!! And I thought the British Veterinary Clinic did his sterilization?? I thought if you do that you actually become a lazy and fat cat? Nothing seemed to work with this cat.
And oh, my neighbors. The kids, they irritate the c*&^# out of me. Sorry man, these kids just don't do it for me anymore.
I recently bought an inflatable bed as there is space in the lounge, its a good one. I needed it because sometimes when I am tired I don't like going to the bedroom(as if it is that far!!) and I just fall asleep watching some crap going on the tv. Man, I don't even know what I am watching. I must arrange the lounge to be able to put the books that I plan to read nearby so I can actually feed my brain something intellectual, if ever.
My memory seems to be so reckless these days. I just let things slip my mind. I asked a colleague before he told me maybe I just don't think they are that important that's why I forget them. But it cannot be. I boast the best memory, that is what I am proud of but now, I am just becoming an old rut that whines almost about anything.
Oh, what has the world gotten into? So many people leaving the company I work for. I wonder when is my time. It should be time soon. It is becoming ridiculous. I am becoming ridiculous.
I miss endless nights of doing something that I love and I am good at. Whatever that might be.
A colleague told me he was hospitalized for two days and was on gas mask because he had difficulty breathing. And guess what was the cause? No, he doesn't smoke cigarettes. Its shisha. Man, why do all the good things have to have bad effect? if you have sex, you get pregnant, worse you get aids, if you smoke cigarettes, you get lung cancer (well, I don't like smoking cigarettes, cigarillos are okay once in awhile), if you drive too fast you will have accident, if you drink and get drunk, you can't drive, if you dress nicely (because you are comfortable), people will say you look cheap (okay, this is just for some particular clothes), if you eat a lot, you become fat, and now, if you smoke shisha it will lead you to the hospital.
Really. Tell me why?
Oh, another thing, this ad was sent by a friend. It is funny really!

Oh, and why I love Thursdays? Coz it is Thursday!!
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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