Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Writing Skills or Gibberish?

People always tend to think that just because a paragraph is long it has a distinticve content or meaningful message in it. But the truth is, the shorter the sentences or the most brief of all discussions are those that are well chosen therefore, has more impact, has a direct and lateral point in it. See... You suck! :)

Most sentences with plenty of words are just gibberish and are actually just a waste of time and words even. Like for example...

"Prejudices do not tend to correct themselves but rather go over into other prejudices or swing to the opposite side. People would rather change the world but not their prejudices. Why is it so difficult to dismantle prejudices? Often people do not notice at all that they have a prejudice. In order not to subject the prejudice to a test and not let it be questioned, one tries instinctively to avoid discussions that can shake it.

But how can a person even know whether he/she is making a mistake (in the form of a prejudice) if he/she never exposes himself/herself to an experience that could bring it to light? How can we be aware of prejudices if we are not ready to meet others, who have completely different views and characteristics from us?"

This is an excerpt of a rather very long and tedious paragraph that discusses something which I am still trying to rationalize. It was prejudice was it? It clearly lacks a definitive subject. It blabbers on about other people but not prejudice. It probably is an expression of someone who had an impression of someone. It keeps repeating the word prejudice but does not define it. It also uses jargon or colloquial words which actually have no impact towards the subject it wants to discuss. Also, it keeps shifting status from the first person to third person? Why? Is it difficult to focus on other people than yourself or vice versa? Why not stick with the theme of discussing them? :)

Moreover, the words, swing, shake and dismantle seem so out of place.

Just a note on someone's writing skills.

I like this though...

People would rather be more willing to change the world than change themselves. But, is that even possible? Both-- changing the world and yourself?


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