Over, not over, over the moon?

I recently received two gifts and have been wondering ever since. The gifts were bought two years ago. If it was true, what does it mean? Why would you hold on to something and give it at a later time? What motive is there? And if there was a meaning, surely the value must have gone stale?
So I took a guy's point of view and here is the response and here are the options I ought to choose to provide meaning to what it really is...
Of course more background data of the old relationship would probably add to the accuracy of my estimation of the offering of the old gifts and what is really behind it. But in the interest of speeding up the process of my come back to you I offer the following:
Possible Options (Graded 1 to 5 with five being most probable):
1. He was packing up for the trip and did not have room in his suitcase for these items and there is no real hidden meaning this than what appears on the surface (1);
2. He found them tucked away during his packing and realized that he had never given them to you and thought you deserved them for the good old times you guys had together(2);
3. He made up the whole story (he just recently purchased these items) in the interest of saving face as he wanted to get back in you good graces so you would write him while he is gone as he will be taking a job in some "Arm Pit" of the world and will be very lonely and would really appreciate you writing him as you are such a good entertaining writer(4);
4. The whole thing is a trick and he wants to charm you back into his life (for real this time) because he has been searching for someone better than you for him for the last 2 years and has realized that there is no one better; so he wants to try to win you back again (5)!
However, it is too bad he waits until he is leaving to "Bust A Move" back to you. For that I score him low. Oh the whole, if you think you were really "Over Him" then just let it go at that and chock it up to experience and do not let him "In" again to possible drop you as he did before - no use putting yourself through that again!
However, if you were really not over him from before, then show it and take the lead from him. Try to make it easy for him to get back in your good graces.
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