Thursday's Buzz

I stayed late in the office on Thursday, normally, we go home at 2pm but I had some deadlines to finish so I ordered lunch and ate it at the office with my colleague. By 3pm I had to rush coz my officemate said she has a date by 4pm thus she cannot stay with me longer. We still had to go to the hospital to visit the wife of our GM who had just given birth to a baby girl. That was the fuss with all the baloons and the flowers.
Shops close at 1:30pm normally and resume business by 4 or 5pm. I had to call a friend who just opened a baloon shop so he could deliver me the baloons which we need to bring to the hospital. He was eager to bring it to me at the wee hour of the afternoon (siesta time or naptime for the Middle Easterns). It was lovely though, the baloons, the friend flirted a bit with me, small price to put up with for the hassle I asked him to do.
So we went to the hospital by 3.30pm. The baby was so cute and so small. The room beside her room has its door adorned with blue and white baloons while her room was adorned with white and pink stand baloon.
After that, we had to leave coz the phone was ringing, someone was late for a date while my eyes were tugging me to sleep, Thursday lazy afternoons....
I slept.... lovely nap.
Then I woke up at half past seven, to remember that there was a movie showing at the Cultural Foundation. So I called up anyone who was interested, good thing I got a positive response on the first call. So I went to watch the movie "Cursed" by Cristina Ricci, something about werewolves. It was a good scare for the night. Funny and scary both at the same time. I just like their fashion sense in the movie though. Yeah, it is quite a forgettable movie.
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